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11/10/2021 | Competence

Testimonial | Kseniya on ORSC

Kseniya On ORSC

“My name is Kseniya Soroka. I’m originally from the Ukraine. For the last 9 years I have been living and working in the Netherlands. Four years ago, I started coaching only individual clients. Today I also coach teams, partnerships and even couples. And I really see the impact on all my clients. On their lives, on their systems, on their teams and relationships. “

How do you apply Organization and Relationship Systems Coach training (ORSC) in your daily life?

“I use these more than 40 ORSC tools for coaching systems, for coaching teams, couples and also for my individual clients. We are always in relationship. It is such a beauty to coach this relationship and to see the impact on people’s lives.”

What within this training made the biggest impact?

“The ORSC training program adds value to the relationship with yourself, and also to the relationships with other people.

I was impressed when I just did the ORSC Fundamentals. The tool of how to deal with conflict, I think that’s the best tool. Conflict happens, and we think that it’s something we need to avoid or some people don’t like to be involved in a conflict. In the ORSC courses we learn that nothing is wrong with conflict itself. Some information tries to go to the surface of these relationships. It’s about how to deal with this, about how to skillfully get this information and leverage it in relationships.

The tool of how to deal with conflict; the alignment tool with ventilation is a such a powerful tool. You will already learn to work with it in the first course and use it after the course in your life and in any relationship.”

Would you recommend this training?

“I would recommend the ORSC training to coaches, who are already certified and experienced coaches because you will add 40 tools that you can use in any of your practices. No matter if you work with individuals or with teams and couples.

Plus, I also recommend it for leaders and for managers. If you as a leader want to implement coaching skills, the foundation course ORS@Work gives you these 7 tools that really have impact on your team relationships.

I find it amazing that these simple steps can be used to make a difference and how it works.”

Kseniya Soroka

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