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8/16/2022 | Competence

Discover your teams full potential

 We share 3 powerful lessons the ORSC model teaches us the full potential behind your team. 

Discover Your Team’S Full Potential (3 Powerfull ORSC Lesson's)

As a leader or coach, you understand the importance of letting your team’s potential unfold. It starts with helping your team members gain a clear understanding of their strengths, values and ambitions. To do that, it’s important to understand your team as being so much more than just a sum of its parts.

In fact, your team is a living system all of its own. This is why the Organizations and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC) model has gained so many followers among the world’s leading organizations lately. Here are 3 powerful lessons it teaches us about the dynamics behind any team.

The third entity

Any time we work as teams, we see it happen: One team member can exert an influence over the entire team’s working relationship, for better or for worse. Yet at the same time, the team exerts an influence over each individual.

Whether you’re coaching or leading the team, ORSC teaches you how to watch the players out of the corner of your eye and focus explicitly on what we call the “third entity” (the team’s system itself). This is the ever-shifting field that exists between the team members. In short, it’s the “more” that we are talking about when we say that a team is more than the sum of its parts.

So, what does this teach us? The team is alive. And like any individual, it has needs, weaknesses, strengths and values that deserve attention.

Unique nature

Just like individuals, no two teams are alike. Leveraging your team’s potential requires you to start by catering your approach to the team’s unique nature. That means identifying all the factors influencing the atmosphere within the team.

Again, ORSC reminds us that it is helpful to approach the team as a living system. What makes your team different from other teams? What might it have in common with others? And how can you react to your team’s unique needs to set it on the path toward greater success?

Promote positivity

Negativity is like poison. It drains life from your team. Just one team member’s negative attitude can threaten the success of the entire team.

So, what’s the antidote?

Positivity! A positive, stimulating, transparent working environment creates a healthy atmosphere that promotes growth. To develop and maintain a culture or mutual recognition, appreciation and celebration, every team requires the right kind of coaching and leadership.

Discover the world’s first accredited course on team & relationship coaching

To successfully coach or lead a team, you need the skills and know-how to get to the true essence: the relationships behind your team. In our experience, the most effective technique is based on knowledge of how the team’s system works.

The ORSC perspective gives you the insight and skill to coach and lead your team with greater assurance, playfulness, creativity and courage.

Are you ready to gain a deeper understanding of your team’s dynamics and successfully tap into its potential? Discover more about what ORSC can do for you and your organization.

Read all on ORSC What is the ROI on ORSC?
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