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4/30/2024 | Competence

What are the advantages of systemic coaching?

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Nowadays in business, there is a lot of focus on individual performance and development. Because of this, we sometimes forget to look at the big picture in which these individuals work. Systemic coaching focuses not only at you as an individual, but also at the systems in which you function. Through this form of coaching, managers and HR professionals can get a better picture of the dynamics within the organization and the factors that influence employee well-being and performance. In this article we will tell you more about the application and the pros and cons of the systemic coaching approach, but first we will tell you exactly what systemic coaching entails.

The essence of systemic coaching

Systemic coaching looks beyond the individual, it is about understanding relationships and factors within an organization, and adapting them when necessary. Understanding the system properly requires research. Consider research into the dominant culture within the organization, its history and structures. It is also important to identify all the roles and positions of the people within the organization.

Systemic intelligence

An important aspect of systemic coaching is to develop so-called "systemic intelligence," this might sound very complex, but it actually involves the teams and individuals within the organization having knowledge of the relationships and structures of the company. When people understand what they are part of, cooperation is enhanced, people can better anticipate change and conflicts can be more easily resolved or prevented.
A frequently used technique within systemic coaching is working with constellations, in order to clarify the mutual relationships and dynamics. By actually connecting to the system (with a paper constellation) or by experiencing each others perspectives (for example with the ORSC tool Landswork) doing the role-playing, it is a very clear way of explaining it, so people will quickly understand it. Especially because the actual embodiment of the different perspectives creates several insights.

Application in Practice

Systemic coaching and Systems Inspired Leadership can be applied in a variety of ways in the practice of Management and HR professionals. Examples of how to apply this form of coaching are:
- Team Development: Systemic coaching can be used to improve cooperation and dynamics within a team, which will improve the team's performance and thus accelerate the team's development.

-Leadership development: For leaders, systemic coaching can help develop a better understanding of their role and influence within the team and organization, and how to better handle difficult situations and unexpected events. Want to learn more about leadership, check out our Co-Active leadership experience page

-Conflict resolution: Systemic coaching also helps with conflict resolution and avoidance within an organization. By detecting problems early, you can work on a solution before it becomes a conflict. This keeps the team atmosphere intact and allows you to continue to perform together!

-Culture Transformation: For organizations seeking a culture transformation, systemic coaching can help recognize and understand the existing cultural dynamics within the organization and foster a more inclusive and supportive work environment. Systemic coaching can also be a helping hand for companies striving for cultural transformation. This is because systemic coaching contributes to understanding the existing culture, once you have mapped this culture you know where there is room for improvement and it can be worked on.

By applying systemic coaching in practice, managers and HR professionals are better able to understand the complexities of organizations and effectively navigate changing environments. It is a powerful experience to embed the Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching tools together with your colleagues, in an inhouse training together.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Systemic Coaching


1. Profound Insight: Systemic coaching offers deep insight into the underlying dynamics and patterns within a system, allowing managers and HR professionals to better understand what is going on.
2. Sustainable Change: By focusing on the whole of the system, changes initiated by systemic coaching can be more sustainable than solutions that focus only on individual aspects.
3. Empowerment: The process of systemic coaching can contribute to the empowerment of individuals within the system by making them aware of their role and influence on the dynamics.
4. Conflict resolution: Systemic coaching can be effective in resolving conflicts within teams and organizations because it helps to address the root causes of the conflicts.
5. Creating Synergy: By emphasizing the interconnectedness within the system, systemic coaching can help create synergy and cooperation between different parts of the organization.


1. Complexity: Understanding and applying systemic coaching can be complex and requires solid knowledge and experience in the field.
2. Time intensive: The process of systemic coaching can be time intensive, as it often requires going deep into the various aspects of the system.
3. Resistance: Some people within the organization may experience resistance to systemic coaching, as it confronts them with challenges and problems they would rather avoid.
4. Uncertainty: The outcome of systemic coaching is not always predictable, which can lead to uncertainty about its effectiveness and the possible outcome for the organization.


Systemic coaching offers a holistic approach to understanding and addressing problems within organizations and teams. It can be effective in creating positive change and promoting a healthier and more balanced work environment. Managers and HR professionals can benefit from a better understanding of systemic coaching and how it can be applied in their organizations.

Competence offers training in coaching and leadership skills. As a result of this article, do you have questions about these trainings and how we can help the leaders in your organization in their development? Take a look at our trainings or contact us.


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